Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Business of Girls

This afternoon and evening I have heard story after story of unbelievable injustices and violence against young girls from around the world, including here in the United States where most people think things like that don't happen. So tonight's exhaustion is emotional. But, let me share here a couple of the stories, and then the hope of women who claim the power of God.
The picture above is of Roodnir Joseph from Haiti. She was a former "restavek." A "restavek" is basically a slave that works for a family without pay, but is allowed to live in the home. She works round the clock, is often beaten and sexually abused. Roodnir was taken at age 8 as a restavek and she was freed at age 14. Her parents gave her to someone who promised her a better life, and due to the poverty the family was living in, they thought it would be better for her. It was worse.
The mistresses are called "Aunties", but the abuse is often at the hands of the boys and husband in the family. Teachers also sexually exploit the children in exchange for good grades. Often the young girls are kidnapped and if the family does not provide the money for the release, the child is severely abused. She is here speaking out against the practice and asking her government to implement and follow through on laws that will protect her. She is hoping that help will come to Haiti addressing this problem and that a Tribunal will be set up to punish the perpetrators.

1 comment:

Johnofthecross said...

I know it is hard but you are doing things that are helping to change our world. The work is important - "for such a time as this."