Friday, February 16, 2007

Church Questions

I came across this today from an interview of Shane Claiborne, a new kind of monk that many are saying is the new St. Francis. He is definitely formed in Evangelical roots and language, but he has humbled and motivated me like no contemporary Christian has to date. It seems Rich Mullins also played a role in his life, so I guess we have a connection somehow, only he has taking the dive into living the message of Christ like a freefall into the the unknown.

I've been struggling with the Church, especially as ours (Episcopal Church USA) is showing the world how the Body of Christ tears itself apart. I have been so saddened by this that it has often caused me to wonder what the purpose of the Church, any church, is today. Here's Shane's reply to that:

"The church is like Noah’s ark: It stinks sometimes, but if you get out you’ll drown. Our embarrassment and frustration with the church is the very reason we engage, not disengage. I think the church needs some healthy discontent, or else things never get better."

Good food for thought, and it's keeping me in the boat for now. I find I can't leave the church just as one can't leave one's dysfunctional family. I just wish we would quit running away from one another.

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